Could Your Smile Benefit From Veneers?

Your smile deserves a makeover. Here’s how dental veneers may be able to help.

Are you self-conscious of your smile? Do you hide your smile during social gatherings or when cameras come out? If you are nodding your head then you could very well be a candidate for dental veneers. Our River Forest, IL, cosmetic dentists Dr. Gina Piccioni and Dr. John Hartman at River Forest Dental Studio can help you get a smile you’re more confident showing off with the help of dental veneers.

What are dental veneers?

Veneers are extremely thin porcelain shells that are custom designed to cover the front of your teeth. The porcelain is extremely durable and resilient and is also able to mimic the look and color of your teeth.

To get veneers, our River Forest, IL, dentists will need to examine your smile to make sure that your teeth are healthy enough for veneers. From there, we will remove less than one millimeter of enamel from the front of each tooth. This tooth preparation is minor and can often be performed without the need for local anesthesia.

Once your teeth have been prepped, we will take impressions of your teeth. These molds are sent to a lab so that they have the exact tooth measurements they need to create your perfectly fitted veneers. Once the veneers are complete, you’ll come back into our office so we can check the fit before bonding them permanently to your teeth using a special resin. The whole process for getting dental veneers takes about 3 weeks.

Who is a good candidate for dental veneers?

Someone with a strong healthy smile who wants to alter and improve the overall appearance of their smile could benefit from getting dental veneers. You may be an ideal candidate for veneers if you are looking to hide,

  • Stains and discolorations
  • Chips and cracks
  • Poorly shaped teeth
  • Worn or uneven teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Minor twisting, crookedness, or overlapping

When you come into our office let us know what smile issues you have and what you wish to correct and we will help you determine whether veneers will give you the result you’re looking for.

Are you interested in getting dental veneers from our River Forest, IL, family dentists Dr. Piccioni and Dr. Hartman? If so, call River Forest Dental Studio today at (708) 366-6760 to schedule a no-risk consultation with our team to discuss veneers.