Fear Dental Appointments No More

Dental anxiety, caused by numerous factors, is the number one reason nearly 60 million Americans use as an excuse to avoid routine dental visits. If you have had a difficult dental experience or are one of those 60 million with anxiety severe enough to cause you to avoid the type of dental care you need, YOUR WORRIES ARE OVER!

Our office is now utilizing the NuCalm System. Through the use of natural supplements, dark glasses and neural stimuli, this system allows the patient to leave feeling relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated.

NuCalm is unique because it creates deep relaxation without using narcotics or controlled substances. This means NO side effects and it requires no recuperative time or supervision.

Over 9,000 patients across the United States have used NuCalm with zero adverse events. Of these, 97% would recommend NuCalm to their family and friends.

News of this amazing technology is spreading fast. You don't have to avoid the dentist anymore. It has even been featured on ABC 7 Chicago News Health Beat. The link can be accessed here.

NuCalm relaxes you, yet allows you to remain in control and aware at all times. You leave your appointment feeling relieved and rejuvenated.

FEAR DENTAL APPOINTMENTS NO MORE! Call us for more information or to set up your next appointment using the NuCalm System.