FAQs about Cosmetic Dentistry

There's no need to live with discolorations, a crooked smile, or missing or damaged teeth. Cosmetic dentistry treatments offered your RiverCosmetic Forest, IL, dentists, Drs. Gina Piccioni and John Hartmann of River Forest Dental Studio, will help you transform your smile.

How can cosmetic dentistry help me?

Cosmetic dentistry services improve the way your smile looks and functions. They're an excellent option whether you want to hide a small chip in the edge of a tooth, improve the shade of discolored tooth or even restore a missing tooth.

What types of cosmetic dentistry services and procedures are right for me?

Your River Forest dentist can help you consider treatment options and choose the best procedure for your smile issues. Common services and procedures include:

  • Teeth Whitening: Whitening is one of the simplest, least expensive ways to boost your smile. Professional teeth whitening treatment lightens your teeth by three to eight shades in just about an hour.
  • Bonding: Adding a small amount of tooth-colored resin to your teeth can improve their shape and length, hide discolorations, and conceal chips, shallow cracks, and other damage. Once the resin is added to your teeth, it's cured with a special light that securely bonds the material to your tooth enamel.
  • Veneers: Veneers also hide a variety of tooth flaws. The tooth-shaped shells are attached to your teeth with dental cement after a small amount of tooth enamel is removed. Veneers are often used to hide damage, close slight gaps, keep discolorations concealed, whiten your smile, or improve the shape or length of teeth.


What options are available for missing teeth?

One of these options can help you fill the gaps in your smile:

  • Dentures: Full dentures are ideal if you've lost all of the teeth in your upper or lower jaw, while partial dentures can restore a section of missing teeth.
  • Bridges: A bridge may be an option if you've lost one or two teeth. Bridges consist of artificial teeth anchored by dental crowns on either side.
  • Dental Implants: Implants offer a versatile, long-term solution to tooth loss. The implants bond to your jawbone and serve as synthetic roots. They're attached to dental crowns that restore the visible parts of your teeth. Dental implants can replace any number of missing teeth.

Enhance your smile with cosmetic dentistry procedures! Call your River Forest, IL, dentists, Drs. Gina Piccioni and John Hartmann of River Forest Dental Studio, at (708) 366-6760 to schedule an appointment.